Redesign and optimization of projects

Redesign and optimization of projects

Optimization of design solutions for pile foundations, taking into account the mutual influence of piles and the operation of a low grate on their load-bearing capacity. Thanks to the joint efforts of scientists, designers and builders, significant progress has been made both in this field of construction and in construction in general, which has made it possible to bring the design of pilot foundations to the modern level.

Along with scientific achievements, the development of new technologies and technical base of construction, the search for their optimal design solution is of no small importance for increasing the economic efficiency of using piles. So, the same bearing capacity of the pile foundation can be provided in different ways: increase the size of the cross-section of the piles, but reduce their length, do not change the length, but by increasing the cross-section of the piles, reduce their number in the foundation, etc., i.e. … almost always there is a possibility of choosing the optimal solution, but it is far from always obvious, which raised the question of developing an algorithm for its search, taking into account not only the mutual influence of piles during their joint work as part of the foundation, but also participation in the work of a low grillage. However, if the mutual influence of piles in the foundation, both experimentally and theoretically, has been largely studied, which makes it possible to take it into account in the calculations in the form of correction factors for the bearing capacity of the pile, then the effect of the operation of a low grillage on the bearing capacity of the pile foundation has been little studied and taken into account. as a rule, integrally, regardless of the factors influencing it.